Tuesday, October 25, 2005

One of my heroes died yesterday....

She was just over 5' tall and yet a giant in the history of the United States. Fifty years ago, she refused to give up her seat on a bus. She said her feet hurt, but it was her heart that helped her make that stand.

She was a seamstress, like Jesus was a carpenter. Mrs. Parks, an active member of the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, was riding on a city bus December 1, 1955, when a white man demanded her seat.

She refused, despite laws requiring blacks to yield their seats to whites. Two black Montgomery women had been arrested earlier that year on the same charge, but Mrs. Parks was jailed. She also was fined $14.

Rosa Parks' courage led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott a year later, which introduced the world to a young Baptist Minister named Martin Luther King, Jr.

The rest is history. I'm certain God has given Rosa a special seat in Heaven.


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